Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Review of Shadow out of the Sky-by Brick Marlin

Shadow out of the  Sky
Brick Marlin
Seventh Star Press, LLC

Brick Marlin has written some fantastic work. Yet, I believe this is one of his best works. Shadow out of the Sky, takes place in a small countryside. There are different characters that stories are told of them, each with a twist and each merging into one another.

However, there is a constant source of evil that comes and kills with a striking force; some can't believe what is going on, while others take their stand to fight this drastic entity.

What amazes me is the strength of these characters through all this turmoil. Brick Marlin does a wonderful job of making you feel as if these images you read are real. I of course loved the images that were included in this book. It added to the draw of what you were experiencing.

The villain, the villain became my favorite part of the story. The character was rich with description and history; none in which I would take away as a bad thing, but a total awe inspiring tale of why and vengeance.

I would recommend this book as one that you read during the day; don't turn the lights out.

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